Research Interests
Cosmology; statistical and machine learning methodology in astrophysics and cosmology; Bayesian large-scale structure inference; field-level inference; symbolic regression; dark matter; dark energy; galaxy formation; astrophysical tests of fundamental physics; modified gravity; cosmological hydrodynamical simulations.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 2022-Present
- Covid Response Officer, Oriel College, University of Oxford, 2021-2022
- Graduate Teaching and Research Scholar, Oriel College, University of Oxford, 2020-2022
- DPhil in Astrophysics, Oriel College, University of Oxford 2019-2022
- Thesis: Fundamental Physics from Galaxies
- Supervisors: Prof. Pedro Ferreira and Dr. Harry Desmond
- MA, MSci in Natural Sciences, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 2015-2019
- Results: Class 1, 86.2%, Rank 3/92
- Thesis: The conformal boundary at the end of the universe
- Supervisor: Dr. Will Handley
Awards and Scholarships
- Graduate Teaching and Research Scholar, Oriel College, Oxford 2020–2022
- Senior Scholar, Trinity College, Cambridge 2016–19
- Bronze Medal, 46th International Physics Olympiad, Mumbai 2015
- Exceptional mathematical performance, British Physics Olympiad 2015
D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond, J. Devriendt, P.G. Ferreira and A. Slyz. "Spatially offset black holes in the Horizon-AGN simulation and comparison to observations." MNRAS, 500(4):4639–4657.
D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond and P.G. Ferreira (2021). "Constraints on Galileons from the positions of supermassive black holes" Phys. Rev. D, 103(2):023523.
D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond and P.G. Ferreira (2021). "Calibrating galaxy formation effects in galactic tests of fundamental physics." Phys. Rev. D, 103(12):123502.
D.J. Bartlett, D. Bergsdal, H. Desmond, P.G. Ferreira and J. Jasche (2021). "Constraints on equivalence principle violation from gamma ray bursts." Phys. Rev. D, 104(8):084025.
D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond, P.G. Ferreira and J. Jasche (2021). "Constraints on quantum gravity and the photon mass from gamma ray bursts." Phys. Rev. D, 104(10):10351.
A.N. Lasenby, W.J. Handley, D.J. Bartlett, and C.S. Negreanu (2022). "Perturbations and the future conformal boundary." Phys. Rev. D, 105(8):083514.
D.J. Bartlett, W.J. Handley and A.N. Lasenby (2022). "Improved cosmological fits with quantized primordial power spectra." Phys. Rev. D, 105(8):083515.
R. Stiskalek, D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond, and D. Anbajagane (2022). "The scatter in the galaxy–halo connection: a machine learning analysis." MNRAS, 514(3):4026–4045.
D.J. Bartlett, A. Kostic, H. Desmond, J. Jasche and G. Lavaux (2022). "Constraints on dark matter annihilation and decay from the large-scale structure of the nearby Universe." Phys. Rev. D, 106(10)110352.
H. Desmond, D.J. Bartlett and P.G. Ferreira (2023). "On the functional form of the radial acceleration relation." MNRAS 521(2):1817-1831.
A. Kostic, D.J. Bartlett and H. Desmond (2023). "No evidence for p- or d-wave dark matter annihilation from local large-scale structure." arXiv:2304.10301.
D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond and P.G. Ferreira (2023). "Exhaustive Symbolic Regression." In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 28, 950.
V. Vardanyan and D. J. Bartlett (2023). "Modeling and testing screening mechanisms in the laboratory and in space." Universe 2023, 9, 340.
D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond and P.G. Ferreira (2023). "Priors for symbolic regression." In Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2402–2411.
A. Paopiamsap, D. Alonso, D.J. Bartlett and M. Bilicki (2023). "Constraints on dark matter and astrophysics from tomographic $\gamma$-ray cross-correlations." Phys. Rev. D 109, 103517.
Tomas Sousa, D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond and P.G. Ferreira (2024). "Optimal inflationary potentials." Phys. Rev. D 109, 083524.
D.J. Bartlett and H. Desmond (2023). "Marginalised Normal Regression: Unbiased curve fitting in the presence of x-errors." The Open Journal of Astrophysics, 6, 11 2023..
M. Ho, D.J. Bartlett et al. (2024). "ltu-ili: An All-in-One Framework for Implicit Inference in Astrophysics and Cosmology." The Open Journal of Astrophysics, 7, 7 2024.
G. Kronberger, Fabricio Olivetti de Franca, H. Desmond, D. J. Bartlett, and L. Kammerer (2024). "The Inefficiency of Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression." arXiv:2404.17292.
D.J. Bartlett, B.D. Wandelt, M. Zennaro, P.G. Ferreira and H. Desmond (2024). "syren-halofit: A fast, interpretable, high-precision formula for the $\Lambda$CDM nonlinear matter power spectrum." A&A 686:A150.
D.J. Bartlett, L. Kammerer, G. Kronberger, H. Desmond, P.G. Ferreira, B.D. Wandelt, B. Burlacu, D. Alonso and M. Zennaro (2023). "A precise symbolic emulator of the linear matter power spectrum." A&A 686:A209.
A. Constantin, D.J. Bartlett, H. Desmond and P.G. Ferreira (2024). "Statistical Patterns in the Equations of Physics and the Emergence of a Meta-Law of Nature." arXiv:2408.11065.
W.J. Wolf, C. García-García, D.J. Bartlett and P.G. Ferreira (2024). "Scant evidence for thawing quintessence." Phys. Rev. D, 110(8):083528.
S. Pandey, C. Modi, B.D. Wandelt, D.J. Bartlett, A.E. Bayer, G.L. Bryan, M. Ho, G. Lavaux, T.L. Makinen and F. Villaescusa-Navarro (2024). "CHARM: Creating Halos with Auto-Regressive Multi-stage networks." arXiv:2409.09124.
C. Sui, D.J. Bartlett, S. Pandey, H. Desmond, P.G. Ferreira, P.G. Ferreira and B.D. Wandelt (2024). "syren-new: Precise formulae for the linear and nonlinear matter power spectra with massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy." arXiv:2410.14623.
D.J. Bartlett, M. Ho and B.D. Wandelt (2024). "Bye-bye, Local-in-matter-density Bias: The Statistics of the Halo Field Are Poorly Determined by the Local Mass Density." ApJL 977 L44.
D.J. Bartlett, M. Chiarenza, L. Doeser and F. Leclercq (2025). "COmoving Computer Acceleration (COCA): N-body simulations in an emulated frame of reference." A&A, 694, A287.
R. Stiskalek, H. Desmond, J. Devriendt, A. Slyz, G. Lavaux, M.J. Hudson, D.J. Bartlett, and H.M. Courtois. (2025). "The Velocity Field Olympics: Assessing velocity field reconstructions with direct distance tracers." arXiv:2502.00121.
May 17, 2023
Talk at Webinaires de l'Action Dark Energy,
Graduate Teaching and Research Scholar - Oriel College, University of Oxford (2020-2022)
- Courses tutored:
- A3 Quantum Physics (2nd year Physics).
- B4 Nuclear and Particle Physics (3rd year Physics).
- Ran tutorials, marked problem sheets, set and marked mock examinations.
- Jointly ran mathematical interview for selection of undergraduate students in Physics and Physics and Philosophy. Wrote and delivered questions for these interviews and assessed candidates’ performance.
British Team Coach - British Physics Olympiad (2017-present)
- Led sessions on a variety of topics. Planning content, writing questions and creating resources.
- No student has failed to achieve a medal during the years I have been involved with the team.