About me

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, where I work on projects at the border of artificial intelligence and Bayesian inference problems, within the framework of applications to cosmology. I am interested in statistical and machine learning methodology in astrophysics and cosmology, Bayesian large-scale structure inference, field-level inference using BORG (Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies), and probing dark energy and constraining dark matter with astronomical surveys.

The evolution of our Universe is determined by its initial conditions and the physical laws that govern it. However, neither of these two quantities are directly available. I work on elements of the development of a Bayesian inference based on a simulation approach, for which we repeatedly sample a set of initial conditions, and predict the observational consequences of these choices. This work is performed within the Simons Foundation on Learning the Universe and the Aquila Consortium. I also work on accelerating cosmological simulations using machine learning methods and methodological improvements and applications of symbolic regression, a machine-learning technique which directly learns analytic laws from data.

I previously obtained my DPhil in Astrophysics at Oriel College, Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Pedro Ferreira and Dr Harry Desmond. I was also the Graduate Teaching and Research Scholar at Oriel College from 2020 to 2022. My DPhil research focused on using the morphology and kinematics of galaxies to learn about galaxy formation and to constrain new Physics (theories beyond the standard models of cosmology (ΛCDM) and particle physics (SM)). In particular, I investigated whether there are new fields mediating gravitational forces which can manifest themselves as fifth forces and placed constraints on equivalence-principle violation, the photon mass, quantum gravity and the annihilation cross-section and decay rate of dark matter.

I previously studied for my MA and MSci in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. For my Part III (Masters) Project, I was supervised by Dr Will Handley, where I worked on ‘The Conformal Boundary at the End of the Universe.’